

Sermon Archive

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Other Messages

These messages include sermons to youth, conference talks, and meeting lectures.

Not I, But Christ

"The purpose of this book is to lay a foundational understanding of Jesus Christ as the life of the believer and all that means for us as Christians. It would be impossible to overstate the importance of knowing Christ as our life – the life of His body. It is the very heart of God’s eternal purpose."—Jason Henderson (author of Not I, But Christ)

A word from Pastor Jeff, who developed his own study guide to accompany the book:

Before you begin this study, the first thing you should obviously do is read the book Not I, But Christ. The point of the book is not to complete a Bible study. The point of the book is for the Holy Spirit to bring to your heart a revelation of Jesus Christ as your life. Simply going through the mechanics of completing a Bible study may give you a sense of satisfaction in completing another Bible study, but that in and of itself will never give you a revelation of Jesus Christ. I labor this point to stress the importance of allowing the Spirit of God to do His work in you. Please resist the temptation to make this just another Bible study. Please take time to read the book prayerfully and thoughtfully, and then go back through and do the study, either individually or in a group. God bless you!

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