The purpose of the following information isn't to "market" ourselves to you which would rudely imply you were a consumer and that we could be sold. We don't want to leave you with some kind of inflated impression that we are the most amazing and exciting congregation in Taylor so as to convince you to be a part. We love it when new folks join, however, we know that unless the Lord builds the house those who build it labor in vain (Psalm 127:1).

    That being said, we understand visiting a church can be intimidating whether you are a Christian or not. For that reason, we would like to give you an idea what to expect when visiting us on a typical Lord's Day. 

    First, we are a small congregation who love one another very much. I can promise with no hesitation that when you visit you will be welcomed and loved.

    Sunday School begins at 9:15am. We offer three classes, infant through kindergarten, 1st through 5th grade, and one for everyone else.

    After Sunday School we fellowship for about 15 minutes until worship begins. 

    At 10:30am the Lord’s service begins and God graciously serves us and renews covenant with us in worship. In the Lord’s service to us each week He calls us, cleanses us, consecrates us, communes with us, and commissions us.This is an opportunity for all, from the youngest to the oldest of us, to ascend to the Heavenly Mountain and worship (Heb. 12:22-24).

    Each week we corporately kneel and confess our sins, pray for the suffering among us, offer up prayers and petitions, confess our faith together by reciting the Apostles' Creed, give our tithes and offerings, receive the Word of God proclaimed, and receive the grace given to us at the Lord’s Table.

    Each week all baptized disciples of Jesus Christ are invited to the altar—to the Lord’s table. We do not exclude our children from this as they are part of the covenant and are welcomed to Jesus just like the rest of us (Genesis 17:7; Matthew 19:14; Acts 2:39).

    In the Lord's Supper we are acknowledging that we are sinners, hopeless apart from the sovereign grace of God. By our eating and drinking we are acknowledging that we are sinners, hopeless apart from the sovereign grace of God and affirming our trust in Jesus Christ alone. Further, we are acknowledging to the elders and congregation that we are in good standing with God our Father and with His Church. You are invited to join in these acknowledgements, and to come to this table—to Jesus Christ—with us.

    Our congregation worships as a family. This means even our littlest are growing with us in worship. Don’t worry if your child isn’t used to this. It will take time and consistency on your part to help them learn what to do, but please know and rest assured that this process does not bother us in the least. (Below is a link to a helpful article by Pastor Uri Brito of Providence Church in Florida.)

    Practical Steps to Training Children in Worship

    If you have trouble hearing or are easily distracted, we encourage you to sit as close to the front as possible and remember what theologian James Jordan once said, “Every time a baby squawks in church, a demon loses its wings.”

    Finally, we'd love to follow up after your visit. We have cards on the table in the back you can fill out and give to pretty much anyone. 


    Thanks for checking us out. If you have questions or would just like to speak to someone before visiting, you can call or text Pastor Jeff at (512) 293-7687 or email elders@cfctaylor.com.